1. Post authorization and receipt of access token & access token secret, any of the QwikGiftAPIs can be invoked. Please refer APIs supported in V2 and V3 section for details.
2. For every API call, set request headers and authorization headers.
3. Make GET request to catalog API to get the list of categories configured for the account.
4.Make GET request to category list API to get details of the category.
5. Make GET request to product list API to get the list of products enabled in the category.
6. Make GET request to product API to get the details of the required products.
7. Received data on the categories, products etc. should be stored in the database. Category and product APIs must NOT be called frequently.
To place an order in Budgetree server perform the following steps
1. Capture all mandatory user data as per order API details. (Details covered in Order API section)
2. Make a POST request to order API with all the mandatory parameters. As a POST data, merchant need to pass valid sender and receiver details, unique reference number along with the other Order API parameters. (Refer Introduction for more details on Sync & Async mode of activation)
If Sync Only is “True” then API will generate the cards and return the card data depending on the mode of delivery chosen. The data must be encrypted and stored in the database and the card details must be passed to the end customer from the database.
Make a POST request to order API with all the mandatory parameters. As a POST data, merchant need to pass valid sender and receiver details, unique reference number along with the other Order API parameters. (Refer Introduction for more details on Sync & Async mode of activation)
3. Make a GET request to Activated cards API to retrieve the card data for a set of cards of the total quantity of cards placed.
5. During order fulfillment if the response is not received within the desired timeout set, then order status API must be called to get the order status.
6. If the order status is complete, then make GET request to Activated Cards API to get the card details. If the order status is anything else other than complete, then the order must be cancelled.